• Writing terms of reference
  • prototype creation
  • UI/Ux design
  • Design development

Writing Terms of Reference

Prior to embarking on a new project on Magento and Drupal platforms, we dedicate time and attention to crafting a comprehensive technical specification. This initial step is crucial for ensuring the success of your eCommerce project.

Our team conducts a thorough analysis, identifying key elements that need to be considered during the development of your eCommerce solution. Based on the gathered data, we develop a detailed action plan that enables us to effectively manage the development process of your Magento store or Drupal website.

Prototype creation

Before commencing the development of your eCommerce store on Magento or website on Drupal, we create a detailed prototype that allows you to visualize and test your future website.

The prototype enables you to:

· View all pages of your website.
· Test various functions and features.
· Evaluate the design and visual components of the site.

Creating a prototype is an important stage in the development of any eCommerce project, allowing you to receive a high-quality product that meets your expectations.

ui/ux design

The next important step in creating your commercial project is the development of UI/UX design.
Our team of experienced designers will bring all your boldest ideas and concepts to life in an intuitive, modern, and user-friendly interface. After all, our team is capable of implementing solutions of any complexity!

During the development of UI/UX design, we:

· Conduct thorough research of your target audience to understand their needs and behavior.
· Incorporate the latest trends in web design and usability.
· Create prototypes and conduct tests to ensure that the website design will be convenient and effective, just as you expect!

Design development

After the design process is completed, it's time to transition to the development of your Magento or Drupal store. Our team of experienced and certified Adobe-Ecommerce developers will breathe life into your project in the shortest possible time, using the best methodologies for quality and optimized functioning of your website!

During development, we provide regular updates and reports so you can track the progress and make changes as needed. Our goal is to ensure that your Magento store or Drupal website is not just functional, but also optimized to achieve your business goals.

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